Fire in Desire

Get in with Fire in Desire

Full Service Coaching Experience!

Fire in Desire Session
• Assessment
• A 90 Minute Session
• Action Plan for Self-Coaching, Thought Work, and Process Clarity
• Recording of Session
• A 30-Minute Follow-up

Authentic & Vulnerability

It is hard to show up in business. It is even hard to have a successful business you truly love.

You know it is possible, and your ideas are excellent, but you lack the passion for keeping moving. You feel disheartened quickly every time what seems like a minor snafus come up. Is this business even yours? Where are the clients? The passion you had when your first started. It has been years, and the struggle is real.

You see other successful entrepreneurs, you follow them, you even purchased their strategies and framework. You have had coaches and invested in this business, so what is the problem? It’s a struggle, and it is taking a toll.

Why is it not working?

The difference between you and them is that you have not tapped into your genuine desire.

You cannot tap into someone else’s dream with the expectation of making it yours a reality. Tap into the more profound desire of what you genuinely want to build the life and business you love! You must have the courage to ask for what you want and end the “play by the rules” rhetoric that keeps women stuck.

What to know a secret?

Following their way is precise what leaves you struggling. It was not designed for you, your business, let alone your life. So how in the world can it be the keys to your dream? 


The strategy is not based on the business alone. It is based on who you are and the life you want to live. That vision keeps you on track. You must move past what you were told to evolve courageously and overcome what you have been conditioned to believe is possible. Following other people, strategy extinguishes much of your passion, creativity, dreams, and aspirations!

Do you feel it slowly happening the extinguishing?

The judgment and disempowering thoughts and words of others? Worse the ones you say to yourself;

• I am not doing right
• Did I throw it all away to fail
• Am I good enough
• How come it has not worked
• I am afraid I am not going to make enough money
• Will I have to give it up
• I have no clue what I am doing
• I am fooling myself this could never work
• I feel lonely


The Feelings of the "Over-Achiever"

Those feeling are the feeling of the “good girl.” The “people pleaser,” the “over-achiever”! The good girl that stays in her place. Colors inside the lines, checks all the boxes, care for others boxes, while her dreams become tattered and worn as they sit on the shelf imprisoned by thoughts of others and playing way too small for what she truly wants in her life. The one who plays by the rules and never asks for what she really desires. So if you cannot ask for what you want personally, how do we learn to ask professionally?


What would you do if you knew you could not fail? What would you ask for if you knew for 100% sure you would get it? If no one was listening or judging you, what would you really ask for? If you heard no judgment from others or yourself, what would you give yourself permission to do? How would it look and feel? What would you ask for? If there was no right or wrong?

If you do not own your desires

• You find yourself consistently disappointed
• You have a 100% chance of never being satisfied
• You fall into the 80% of women settling in relationships, business, and in life!

Get clear on your true DESIRES so you can

• Create the roadmap for life you want to experience
• Design a successful business that supports that lifestyle
• Regain a sense of control
• Gain the support you require
• Ask for what you want



Clarity, authenticity, courage!

• A 90 Minute Session
• Action Plan for Self-Coaching, Thought Work, and Process Clarity
• Recording of Sessions
• A 30-Minute Follow-up